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Los Animales

Section 3

Los animales were a key part of the music and magic that flowed through la Casa Vargas. En este hogar, friends from the forests were honored guests, and so la Casa Vargas boasted quite the collection of critters. Every bird, beast and bug that came to make their home there brought with them something special. They gifted la Familia Vargas stories, lessons, and little pieces of magic that can only come from a place as special as Colombia. 


Now, the beauty of animal life in Colombia was in no way limited to La Casa Vargas. In fact, Colombia is one of the most biodiverse nations on this planet. When using our imaginations to picture the wildlife of Colombia, our minds might lead us directly to the mighty forests and rushing rivers of the Amazon. While it is true that this is a biodiversity hotspot, looking closer shows us that Colombia's wild side extends far beyond the brilliant greens of its Amazonian region. Whether it be nestled in the sprawling roots of mangroves growing along the Pacific coast, or clinging to cliff sides in the Andes, life can be found almost anywhere you look in Colombia. 


The beautiful birds and powerful cats that occupy the nation's jungles make it easy to overlook some of the more mundane animals living in Colombia. Cows, pigs, chickens, and donkeys might not be the most impressive of beasts, but they do hold very important roles. Historically, agriculture and animal husbandry played major roles in the development of el Valle del Cauca. The cows and the bulls that grazed in the pastures of this region are an iconic memory for many who lived there. 


Unfortunately, the animals like most things did not go untouched by conflict. As violence spread through Colombia many forests sat still, and many valleys fell quiet. When la Familia Vargas had to leave their home in the valley, they had to leave many animal friends behind as well. They may not have been able to carry all those critters with them physically, but they did keep them alive in en sus corazones y mentes.  


Estas son las historias de algunos de los animales de la casa Vargas.


Margarita la Arañita

(Margarita the Spider)

No cortes lo que se puede desatar

Never cut what can be untied

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Carlos el Gallo Poderoso

(Carlos, the Most Powerful Rooster)

Incluso el más orgulloso de los gallos puede terminar en la olla

Even the proudest of roosters can end up in the pot

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Juan y La Rata

(Juan and the Rat)

Quien siembra vientos, cosecha tempestades Whoever sows wind shall reap the whirlwind

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Rapotes el Toro Enojado

(Rapotes, the Angry Bull)

No insistas en domar el toro. Cambia tu dirección

Don't insist on dominating the bull. Change your direction.

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Tiki Enamorando

(Tiki Falling in Love)

Un pájaro enamorado no permanece mucho tiempo enjaulado

A bird in love does not stay caged long

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